Engine Down!
Engine Down!
You have somehow found yourself in the middle of a massive asteroid field. Unfortunately, your spaceship is very fragile so even the smallest bump into one of the asteroids may break off important parts. Maybe, if you just fly in one direction for long enough, you will find your way out of the asteroid field again.
How far can you get before you suffocate in your ship?
(Bonus challenge: How quickly can you wreck your ship?)
This game was made for the GMTK Game Jam 2020. The theme was "Out of control". I interpreted this by having you slowly lose control of the spaceship as it gets more and more destroyed.
The sound effects and music was made by Greante.
If you want to play in full screen, you should maximize the game before pressing play. otherwise the cursor doesn't lock to the window properly.
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The controls are super nutty but also super awesome. I think this fits with the out of control theme really well! Very cool!
Turned out rly nice. I like how you have to adabt to the situation if you lose a part; like turning 270 degrees right in order to go left, if your right motor is gone.
And happy to help out with the audio :)
Edit: My record is 25.300 km in 7m:11s km. But i'm super dizzy now XD
Played for a minute, the room is still spinning after 5 minutes